March 24, 2020
Hello and welcome to my “self-isolation” series as part of the CDS Education with Balance blog. I’m Christina, a Grade 11 student at the School. In the coming days and weeks, weekly bundles of entries written by me will be posted here as a way of sharing a student perspective on recent events, most imminently the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
To begin my inaugural post, I’ll briefly introduce myself and this space.
A bit about me: as I mentioned above, I’m currently in Grade 11 and have been attending the School since Grade 9. I enjoy writing and reporting (I write articles for CDS’s website,, and this blog,, reading (I’m currently indulging in Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City by Matthew Desmond as well as Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle), and taking long walks. I hope to pursue journalism (in some form or another) and international relations or political science in my post-secondary studies.
By submitting these frequent entries, it is a way to channel my interests in a way that might come to be of interest and use to other members of the CDS community, whether they be students, parents, alumni or faculty and staff. Since the announcement of the School’s closure on March 13th until April 5th (the most current prediction for when regular schooling and activities will be resumed, according to school communication), the adjustment to every day feeling like a lazy, drawn-out Sunday hasn’t been easy, as I’m sure many have found.
In the coming days and weeks, I’ll be chronicling my experiences in this altered way of life, touching upon e-learning, activities to be undertaken in such times of distress to chip a little bit of good out of the mountains of bad, and general musings on everyday life at home with my cousin, Alena, and my mum.
Stay cautious, healthy, and optimistic (in moderation, of course), and keep an eye out for more content coming soon!
Until next time,
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