Do You Know Where You’re Going To?

CDS Academic Director Mr. Harvey asked this question of our Senior School students at our virtual Academic Awards Assembly held the first week of October. He spoke about how the pursuit of excellence takes practice and time, it’s not something we are born with. 

Quoting Aristotle, “Excellence is within everyone’s grasp,” he shared how it can take the form of academic, civil, moral or personal. 

Mr. Harvey suggested that we ask ourselves these questions in an effort to define excellence within ourselves. “Are you making an honest go of it? Are you improving even a little? Are you willing to put in the time, even when you don’t feel like it? If so, you’re on your way to flourishing – just keep at it.” 

He concluded the Assembly with these two thoughts: 1) The route to excellence can be found with practice and habits of mind; and 2) It’s worth some time thinking about where you want your excellence to lead you … who do you want to be?